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Ben test

Educational Planner Test

Benjamin was given tactile learner. This means learning by touching and doing an example of this would be pulling something apart and putting it back together. Short frequent breaks are needed as a tactile learner, also fidgeting also is a common theme among tactile learners.

Big 5 test

Conscientiousness : Medium

Friendly and relaxed hardworking and reliable but values a work life balance.

Agreeableness: Low

Outspoken and bold values close friends and family in groups will choose the right answer not the popular one.

Neuroticism: Medium

Ben’s mood tends to fluctuate depending on the day. Tackles problems with clear and realistic goals.

Openness to Experience: Low

Benjamin is quick thinking and analytical. However, tend to only see things in black and white. Jobs with routine and structure are suited to this personality trait.

Extraversion: Low

Spending time with people while enjoyable wears Benjamin out and he will require alone time to recharge.